
My second mom Björg brought my attention to an incredible invention - thermal giving shoes! I didn't know that they come originally from Germany so she asked me if I can order them for her. Reading about it while looking outside of the window seeing snow masses everywhere I thought I'm gonna order a pair for me as well.
And tatatataaaaa... today they arrived and I tried them immediately. You need to put them into a microwave and warm them up and then enjoy the heat flowing through your feets. They are not only cozy and comfortable to wear - they even have the flavour of lavendel! How cool is that?
I think it is a great invention for girls who are having constantly cold feets! So reanimated feets... here we come! And winter... fuck off!


Dagens Favorit

Inspired by my little sister I bought this fragrance on one of my flights with AirBerlin. Really like that one - smells so bloomy and feminine. The right perfume for a hopefully soon to come summer! ;)

Hugo Boss - Femme

Pls pack your bags!

Today I booked a flight down to Germany for my little sister Annie!!! She will visit me from the 19th of February until the 25th! I'm planning to show her my hometown and because she's landing in Berlin - ofc we're taking a trip through the big city as well ;) Can't wait until she's finally here!!!

Trevlig resan Annie!

I got a package!

Besides all the nerve-racking learning process I'm going through these days an enjoyable package crossed my way and sweetened my day! I got it from my lovely Swedish family!!! It was hard for me to first take pictures for the blogg because my joy was so big that I had to restrain myself and think of my readers first! My little sister astonished me with a piggy bank, a cup, a wonderful pillow case saying "I love you", lots of sweets (including a tröstchoklad!) and bakformar in Swedish style!!! Tusen tack älskade familj!!!

Mine, Mine, Mine!


My nicely wrapped presents!


Some of my surprises!

I love the online sale shop of H&M!

I don't know if you guys do it but I'm a girl who is constantly searching for bargains! And the section of sale offers of the H&M online store is an incredible treasure chest to search in! The good thing is that it is sooooo easy - you just order it, it get's home to you - even the return of the cloth is so simple! The end of all fitting room waiting lines!
Ok... there is a catch. Of course your newest look is maybe already one or two month old and not all the selected dream pieces are available in your size... However I do think that fashion styles - especially your preferred way of dressing - are never really out and if you get up early in the morning you will even get all your wished for clothes and you can save a bunch of money! Isn't that great???

And here are some of my bargains! I'm loving it ;)


Why are people complaining about things that they don't have? Start appreciating life and be grateful of what you have and think twice who the root of you're dissatisfaction really is. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. If you're kvetching start to change something and use your odds!!!

I want my advent calendar back!

This winter a dream of mine became true... I got a advent calendar from LEGO!!! It wasn't as exciting and funny as expected however I do miss him. I think there should be a calender for the whole year. Starting the day with a small surprise putting a smile on your face - wouldn't that be nice?

My lovely LEGO advent calendar.

She's got the look

I have been to the hairdresser yesterday. And Ladies and Gentlemen... this is the result:

I tried to light my older darker color a little bit up, but that didn't really work. I had a red/brown/black tone before and if you want to be blond again your hair gets normaly a little bit orange. So it will take a while for me to get blond, however I do like the result. Looks so manager like...^^ ;)

Baka baka lite kaka...

This is what I did last weekend! Was quite nice to think oneself back in old children days! I have been up pretty early, starting to make coconut macaroons, pepperkakor and ordinary cookies. Because I'm finally old enough to do that by myself, my mum enjoyed eating them while I was fighting in the kitchen.

Yes, there is a baking mixture named after me! I'm famous!!!



Plugga plugga plugga

And today I got luckily some help of one of my former fellow students. Fabian came over and helped me in some questions that I had - the funny part is that I was the one who help him though the finance exam... I failed - he passed... and now he's helping me ;) Hopefully it will work! Moreover he gave his calculator to me. Since we had burglers in the house in Sweden who had stolen my old one, it was nice that he borrowed his one to me. Because writing an exam about finance without a calculator... well you can guess yourself. ;)

Learning how to buy a microwave... Not!

Ok - todays activity: Buying a microwave. Why? Because the old one got broken yesterday.

Just that you do understand me, a little shortcut of the story behind the things that annoyed me today. Since two month I'm living in my mums apparment again. Nice, I really do love my mum, she's great BUT there are some things when you're moving back home at the age of 25 that are not so likable. The process of moving in again (especially when you have been living quite a time abroad) can be devided into three phases:

1. Phase

You're the princess. The fridge is full with all the stuff you love. Mummy is cooking wonderful things. You can decide about the TV program. You don't need to take care about dishes or the trashbag. You can leave your stuff everywhere - no one cares because everyone is happy that you're home again. This stage is lasing about 3 - 4 days.

2. Phase

You wake up in the morning - there is no coffee prepared for you. The fridge is almost empty and you don't know what you can eat for breakfast. A list with things to do is on the table because your parents think that you have plenty of time. Your mum is telling you that "We need to do this and that on the weekend" - WITH YOU! You need to do the laundry. You need to empty the dishwasher. You're getting restricted in what you want to see on television. Your parents are starting to complain that you forgot to close the door behind you and because of that the costs for heating will increase dramatically.

3. Phase

You're more or less a prisoner. You can't wait to life alone again. You just want to move out. Your parents are starting to show you that you're always welcome here - but if you would move out now, they would be so kind to help in packing your boxes. The frequency of arguments is increasing, because you are not able to deal with their lifestyle and they don't like your way of living.

Right now I'm in phase number 2. Yesterday me and my mum talked about that WE are going to buy the microwave together this week because the weather report was warning for ice today. This morning I got up and found money on the table with an unmissable note: "Microwave". Ok... I'm trying to prepare myself for the last exams that I have. I'm really busy these days. But ok. It's your mum. You love her and she's paying the rent. So I went to my car. No wait... I didn't went... I crawled to my car. Falling on my butt three times I still tried to keep my positive mood. Getting rid of the snow and ice on my car I made my way into the city. Normally this is taking me 5 minutes. But hey... it's christmas time! So I was trying to get a parking lot for over 2 (!!!) hours. Who the heck is in the city on a monday morning at ten??? But I'm a friendly person... so calm down Kathi. Take it easy. After I got into the store where I was supposed to buy this microwave I couldn't finde a shop assistent to help me to get that ******* heavy thing to the checkout. Ok... did it myself. And then... I had a coupon saying that I will get a cake for free if I buy something over 50 Euro. Yiippiiieee! So I gave the cashier the coupon and guess what happend... An old lady standing behind me was arguing with the cashier that she wants to have my cake because it had dark chocolate - her's had white chocolate.
Ähmm... what??? Didn't really care. Haha... but not with the old lady. She was holding my arm saying: "You know... it has something to do with respect towards older people that you change your cake with mine". No lady, it has something to do with respect that if you do not stop holding my arm you will get my cake in your face. What the hell was she thinking? And then the third worldwar began. Ofc I was there at a time when there were just pensioneers and tourists. So guess who was fighting against who.

I'm sorry, I really do resepct older people. I offer them my seat when there is no one left. I do help them in carrying things. And I do open doors. But fuck, I'm not an unbehaved girl just because I didn't want to give you my cake grandma!

Well, I more or less tried to hide myself in the elevator and got home as quick as I could. My mum was really happy that she got her new microwave and a cake for free. And she said that it was so nice of me that I did that, that I can recycle the old one tomorrow. Ofc mummy... I have plenty of time and maybe there is a pensioneer who wants to discuss of how I should recycle things...

So just as an advice: If you go into a city on a monday morning during christmas time... leave the free cake, pretend that you're coming from a foreign country, take a bodyguard with you, do not take the car, take fresh cloths with you, maybe something to eat and drink if you're stuck somewhere. A portable toilette might be an option as well.

To all the pensioneers out there: I do respect you! But fuck you - I GOT THE CAKE WITH THE DARK CHOCOLATE!
To all the youngsters out there: Be prepared when I'm getting old. I'm gonna color my hair purple and get on your nerves when you're trying to buy something!

Todays challenge - lenses!

After watching clips on youtube about utilising lenses and more than one hour of trying, I'm not quite sure if I was made for using them. Nice when you read in the prospect what you all should take into consideration just to put them in... and don't ask what you need to be aware of when you want to take them out! I liked especially the following description: "If you feel like your sight is a little bit fuzzy - wait a minute. If it is not getting away you maybe put them in wrong. Or you're allergic. Or there is something in between your lenses and your eye". Or maybe you're drunk from last night or the person you're talking to is ugly... well thanks for those explanations! I'm sure that it is challenging to set them in for the first time - but I do feel like a total jerk in even trying to do that. And NO I'm not gonna post pictures of this event!

I can see!

And I'm proudly presenting the first picture with the newly acquired perspective:

In the case of looking a little bit goofy - thats the photographs fault ;)


Yummie! Whenever you visit Germany - try a Currywurst! It's delicious. I have been to one of the best snack bars in town today: Curry&Co. I really like their communication design, their way of presenting a sausage and just the atmosphere. So try it when you're here!

Living in the post office?

Ladies and gentlemens! I'm thinking about moving out - into a post office! You're maybe wondering what cocktail I had for dinner, but no, I'm not drunken at all. After sending packages after packages and getting recognized by the postal clerk I thought about moving in there. I wasn't even in the office and she was waving through the window. "To Sweden again?". Well yes. "Dont you have any friends here?". Did she really say that? There was a thought crossing my mind for a second to just fling myself down on the ground, starting laughing or crying and admitting that she was right and then asking her if she wants to be my friend and visit a stamp exhibition with me. Would have been funny to see her reaction. Well, maybe next week when I'm sending the last parcel to Sweden!


I couldn't believe it - it is snowing in Dresden! And yes that is a miracle! It is really seldom that we do have snow because the city is located in a valley. The result of that happy event was a traffic chaos with the closure of motorways, 23 ambulances passing by and jams as far as the eye could see. Yes, we in Germany know how to deal with snow!

View out of our living room.

Seeing the world through new eyes

Or at least through new glasses.

This is the model I choose on saturday. Kinda more mature than my older onces. Nothing special, but I do like them. Need to wait up to 10 days until I can pick them up. However I'm still clinging on my pink glasses - so I decided to repair them. So now I'm not only able to tailor my glasses to my outfit - no! I'm even finally prepared for the business world with the new spectacles! Well ok... my diploma degree is still missing. But hey... isn't there always a catch?



Bakade kanelbullar!

And I'm fucking proud of myself because they have been delicious :) Even my grandma liked them. Well ok... maybe the reason for that could be that her tast is almost not existing anymore...?!


Nya glasögon... kanske!

Today I will pay a visit to my optician. When I was in Sweden my old glasses got broken and because of that I'm kinda forced to bother about getting new ones. I have no clue about the model or color or whatever... I liked my old once... "Especially" when everyone was trying to be totally funny by saying "Haha, you're looking everything through rose-tinted glasses". Yeah, right - wait wait wait... yeah... it was funny... haha... NOT!

So wait and see what will happen today. Maybe I will get new glasses, maybe I'm gonna repair my old ones, maybe I will get lenses. Or maybe a new Mercedes. Who knows ;)

Glögg glögg glögg

That was more or less the agenda of the last two days! I enjoyed the opening of the Dresdner christmas market - without the feared terror attacks - with my friend Manuel and my mum. More or less it is all about unhealthy food and drinking glögg or punch. But hey... I do love that especially when it is christmas time! And just that you got an impression of that spectacle, here are some pictures:

Dresdner Striezelmarkt at daytime.


Our christmas market tree with the - I guess - biggest pyramid in Germany.


Manuel in front of the entry of the christmas market - a typical candle arch from our region here.


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