Aer Lingus - nej tack!

I'm home again! Finally! After an odyssey of eighteen hours! Sometimes it feels so good to be home! ;)

Yesterday morning at 2 AM I was taking my way back to Germany/Dresden. Starting in Sligo, I was taking the bus to Dublin to reach my flight at 7.30 AM. So far so good. But as you all probably recognized I'm a girl without luck... So ofc the flight was delayed. Well no problem, at this time of the day my only thoughts were: I need a bed or more coffee. Taking off 2 hours later and owed to 1 hour time difference I missed my bus taking me home from Berlin to Dresden. I went to the Aer Lingus counter and it was clear to me that you don't get a compensation just because youre two hours later - but at least they helped me to fixed the thing with my already booked bus. Waiting for the next one taking me home, I explained the bus driver my situation and totally convinced that he would understand it and take me with him without being forced to buy a new ticket. Hahahahaha... nope!
Even verifications of the airline coulnd't convince him and he was discussing with me that it was my fault not being able to know that my airplane would be late. Right - sweetheart... If I had this f****** ability of divination guess what?! I would be fucking rich and not dependend on this fucking bus company! Because I would have my own landing field in my back yard!!!
Luckyly the passengers of the bus took my side and after another hour of delay I was finally on my way back home.

So next time I'm gonna stay true to my loved and relaible airline:

Postat av: annie

hahaha its so funny to read what you have been thru! you are such a good writer/storyteller! :)

2010-11-22 @ 13:45:40

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