Tesco = Employee of the day!

Waking up this morning was quite irritating for me: nice weather in Ireland! Couldn't believe it. After having a nice breakfast Sandra showed me around. First we have been to her university: Very impressive especially when I do think of our university in Zwickau^^. However, this time is more or less soon over, so who cares ;)
After that we went into the city of Sligo. Typical Irish: Small houses, nicely painted, dozens of pubs and quite a lot of people in sweatpants! Checking out some shopping malls we got some stuff for our lunch to cook and tried to buy a bottle of wine... People might think that this might not be a problem being two girls OVER the age of 23... But guess what: In Ireland it is. There is a regulation that you need to be 18 - no problem with me being 25. Moreover you need to prove your age with a passport or driving lisence. Ok... no problem! Bullshit! It is! They don't accept a German ID card that is more or less valid as a passport for us travelling around in Europe. Was quite funny when the shop assistent tried to tell me that my German ID is not a passport - how the hell should I have been able to travel to Ireland if my ID is not a passport then?!  And they don't accept German diving lisences either: "Only British or Irish ones." Ahhhhhh! Ok... got it?! Nope. I didn't. I do fulfill all requirements to buy alcohol - but not in Ireland because I have no document that proves my identity - in their eyes. Cool.
And I thought that Europe should grow together with the establishment of the EU?! Why do they accept a Irish/British driving lisence but not a German? They do look the same!!! However - maybe they just wanted to prevent us to look as **** as most of the Irishs do. And too much alcohol will provide your aging process. So hey, maybe I should be thankful: And therefore do I announce TESCO as the employee of the day! Thank you guys!

And now we're heading of to a pub!

Postscript: They told me today at TESCO that Irishs are dealing very responsible with the issue alcohol. Yeah, right. The ones who have been to Ireland, seeing the girls half naked totally drunken on the street as well as guys laying against a wall are the evidence! Strange moral values.


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