Idag öppnar äldsta julmarknaden i Tyskland!

And ofc it is the one in Dresden :) So today it's all about Bratwurst and glögg! Yiiiipppiiieeehhhh!
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!

Dresdner Striezelmarkt

Ett paket mot Sverige

Today I went to the postoffice to send a package to my lovely second family in Sweden. It is just a small one but I hope they gonna like it. I actually promised way before to send it - but there was too much space in it so I was forced to find something that is filling the gap before getting it off to them. Because they are reading my blogg - at least I hope so - I can't disclose what it is. But as soon as it arrived, I'm pretty sure that you will read on Annies blogg what was in there! So... be curious ;)

Old memory weekend!

Normally people would tend to say that youre not old when youre 25. After living together with my lovely sister Annie, I started to realize that this might not be totally true. And after that weekend I recognized: Shit, she is maybe right.
Saturday I met my friend Maria. Five years before we started to study together at the same university here in Dresden. After one year of studying I quitted my course of studies and changed to another university in Zwickau. Being out of the scene I thought that the contact between my former fellow students and I would break down, but it didn't. So more or less we tried to see each other as often as we could and due to the fact that almost all of them lived in my lovely hometown Dresden, it wasn't that difficult to realize that.
Maria and I had been through a lot - our friendship was like an emotianl rollercoaster. However since the first day I met her I appreciated her being around me and really liked her way of living and seeing things. It kept me thinking about me and although we have been arguing sometimes we shared a lot of nice and important moments in my life. Since a couple of month she's living in Berlin and it was nice when she called me and said: "Well I'm gonna be in Dresden - what about you? Do we wanna meet?". So we met each other in the city center to just sit down for a while and enjoy a coffee together. Talking about our lifes now and future jobs was kinda scary. We remembered when we had our first lections and being totally frustrated that we should study for four or five more years. We could never imagine to write a diploma thesis. And now here we are: Both of us are almost finished and we're talking about future life including jobs, kids, husband and all the other grown up stuff!
Taking a little shopping tour she was inviting me to a party later that day where quite a lot of my other former fellow students would be. So heading of to that party, everyone was totally surprised to see me. After a really warm welcome everyone was interested in what I'm doing and I just wanted to know what the others have been up to.

So taking a trip down the memory lane made me realize that we all got a little bit older. But I have to admit that I do like it. I'm not scared about getting some wrinkles. I do like what is happening with you when youre turning older: Your way of thinking, of acting, your change of goals and so on. It's exciting and I'm really happy that I'm not 16 any more (Yes Annie, I AM!). It feels so good to finally know who you really are and what you prioritise in life. I do believe that I'm way stronger and I really like that.
As someone said to me: "I like getting old. I like it what it is doing with me and my head". And hell yeah, I do agree!

Aer Lingus - nej tack!

I'm home again! Finally! After an odyssey of eighteen hours! Sometimes it feels so good to be home! ;)

Yesterday morning at 2 AM I was taking my way back to Germany/Dresden. Starting in Sligo, I was taking the bus to Dublin to reach my flight at 7.30 AM. So far so good. But as you all probably recognized I'm a girl without luck... So ofc the flight was delayed. Well no problem, at this time of the day my only thoughts were: I need a bed or more coffee. Taking off 2 hours later and owed to 1 hour time difference I missed my bus taking me home from Berlin to Dresden. I went to the Aer Lingus counter and it was clear to me that you don't get a compensation just because youre two hours later - but at least they helped me to fixed the thing with my already booked bus. Waiting for the next one taking me home, I explained the bus driver my situation and totally convinced that he would understand it and take me with him without being forced to buy a new ticket. Hahahahaha... nope!
Even verifications of the airline coulnd't convince him and he was discussing with me that it was my fault not being able to know that my airplane would be late. Right - sweetheart... If I had this f****** ability of divination guess what?! I would be fucking rich and not dependend on this fucking bus company! Because I would have my own landing field in my back yard!!!
Luckyly the passengers of the bus took my side and after another hour of delay I was finally on my way back home.

So next time I'm gonna stay true to my loved and relaible airline:

I'm too old for that shit!

How nice it is to meet new people and get to know them - well this might not apply for everyone but normally for me. I do like to travel around and get in touch with other cultures and traditions. But it is really hard if your counterpart simply just gives a shit about you.
Since I came here I had the honor to get to know the Erasmus students of Sandras semester who are stuying at the local university of Sligo as well. Being an Erasmus student myself I thought I know how this would be: Easy to deal with, nice to hang around but nothing really strong and serious. I was at least right with the last characteristics. And guess who I did had the most problems with: Germans! Ofc! Being abroad is making you aware of your own countries attitudes and behaviours - and I can tell that this is not only funny to discover. For sure Erasmus is a pot of mixed people with certain qualities. With some you get along with some you simply don't. But this was something that never happend to me before! When I was in Sweden to do my studies abroad we had been like a family: We loved each other and we hated each other but at least we knew about our differences and pulled things together to make this time work. With Sandras fellow students it was kind of differnet. After the first night out I recognized that they are more or less a bunch of people not really liking each other, just being bitchy and arrogant. However I thought when someone new is coming in the group or visitiors of the fellow students would be there, they would be different. Haha... nope! Friday night we went to a pub - no one was talking to each other and not even Sandra and I had a conversation. I always thought when a friend is coming over they would be interested in who the friend is and talk to him or her - at least that was the case when friends visited me during my time in Sweden. But no - just silence.

You could obviously see that they are annoyed of the group "spirit" but no one was stepping up to solve the current issues. Anyway - not my problem I thought. But it became one for me. After three nights out with them, I coulnd't take their behaviour anymore and more or less went away from a pub where they were sitting and got to another one and enjoying my time there alone. Nice, hm?

But what happend: Each and every day we were hanging out with them and I could tell you that I didn't like most of them from the beginning on. But hey, I was here for my best friend so I thought: "Kathi, take it easy... just pull it together and it will work". I tried to involve them into conversations so that we don't sit that strange and quite together - but didn't work. I got really upset because I don't think that it is my turn to step up with topics to talk about when I'm the guest. And when a girl gave me an attitude because I was choosing a wrong pub in her eyes, I blowed up. What the heck was she thinking? Not being able to find a better one and not even being able to ask an Irish for a place to go, she is giving someone, that has been here for the first time (NOT STUDYING HERE SINCE 3 MONTH) an attitude? No girl... wrong address. Don't do that with me. I really tried to get along with everyone and was really friendly - even Sandra was irritated - but that was to much for me: Chatting behind my back - NO WAY!

Anyway. I got so exhausted to be out with them and deal with their attitutes and that Sandra and I wasn't able to do anything on our own - I just had to leave when I was the "third night out" with them. And yes, I was quite disappointed that I didn't had time with my best friends - besides I had to deal with those people. No thanks!

Luckly everything turned out to be ok: The solution is more or less that I'm waiting for her when shes coming back from her studies and that I'm declaring myself of being totally sick to not be forced to see them. Not good, I know - but I don't need to take a fight that is not necessary to take. I'm too old for dealing with childish behaviour. Sorry folks, but grow up!

Unfortunately my time here in Ireland is slightly dulled. Looking forward to see my best friend home again. With people that we love, who do care about us and not trying to act jealous and scheming.

Tesco = Employee of the day!

Waking up this morning was quite irritating for me: nice weather in Ireland! Couldn't believe it. After having a nice breakfast Sandra showed me around. First we have been to her university: Very impressive especially when I do think of our university in Zwickau^^. However, this time is more or less soon over, so who cares ;)
After that we went into the city of Sligo. Typical Irish: Small houses, nicely painted, dozens of pubs and quite a lot of people in sweatpants! Checking out some shopping malls we got some stuff for our lunch to cook and tried to buy a bottle of wine... People might think that this might not be a problem being two girls OVER the age of 23... But guess what: In Ireland it is. There is a regulation that you need to be 18 - no problem with me being 25. Moreover you need to prove your age with a passport or driving lisence. Ok... no problem! Bullshit! It is! They don't accept a German ID card that is more or less valid as a passport for us travelling around in Europe. Was quite funny when the shop assistent tried to tell me that my German ID is not a passport - how the hell should I have been able to travel to Ireland if my ID is not a passport then?!  And they don't accept German diving lisences either: "Only British or Irish ones." Ahhhhhh! Ok... got it?! Nope. I didn't. I do fulfill all requirements to buy alcohol - but not in Ireland because I have no document that proves my identity - in their eyes. Cool.
And I thought that Europe should grow together with the establishment of the EU?! Why do they accept a Irish/British driving lisence but not a German? They do look the same!!! However - maybe they just wanted to prevent us to look as **** as most of the Irishs do. And too much alcohol will provide your aging process. So hey, maybe I should be thankful: And therefore do I announce TESCO as the employee of the day! Thank you guys!

And now we're heading of to a pub!

Postscript: They told me today at TESCO that Irishs are dealing very responsible with the issue alcohol. Yeah, right. The ones who have been to Ireland, seeing the girls half naked totally drunken on the street as well as guys laying against a wall are the evidence! Strange moral values.

Mot Irland

Or here I am. After quite an exhausting trip, I'm finally in the land of sheeps, beer and not as pretty people as in Sweden :) The flight was ok - nothings special besides some annoying passengers acclaiming for the landing. Fuck you guys! I mean seriously - do I acclaim when the dustman is collecting my trash? Yes? No? Anyway.
Finding my way through the vast of left-hand driving I arrived in Sligo after a boring, constantly weather changing, almost five hours bus trip: At least I got a cordial welcome of my best friend Sandra. She is the reason why I took all these vexations and troubles! And hell yeah she is worth it.
The weather so far is the same as everytime in Irland: Rainy, sunny, rainy, sunny, sheeps, rainy, sunny, rainy.
Looking forward to discover Sligo.

But first of all there will be a welcome drink - Ramazzotti ofc! And after that the two old ladies will go into bed... yes, we're not getting younger!

In this sense folks: A Guiness a day keeps the doctor away!

Vi hörs imorgon!

Nu kör jag...

... eller försöker att bli en bloggare! As you probably read the blogg is a birthday gift from my little swedish sister forcing me to write about my life and observing me in what I'm doing down here in Germany without her! ;) The background story of that blogg is really simple: When I started to work in Sweden I was kinda wondering about why everyone has a blogg. Discussing with Annie about the sense and meaning of having a blogg gave us more than just one argument! And I was so damn sure that I will never ever start with that ****. And as you see... it worked quite well^^. So from now on I will bother the world with my experiences, stories and point of views of life. So... ha det så trevligt! :)


Denna blogg är en present från lillasyster Annie (hennes blogg hittar ni HÄR) och den här bloggen är till för att Kathi ska kunna skriva om allt som händer henne, allt hon är med om och för att Annie ska kunna hålla koll på vad som händer där borta i Tyskland. Det är också så att vi skrev en lista på saker som vi skulle göra innan Kathi lämnade Sverige och att starta en blogg var en av punkterna. Ser ut som att vi klarade av en till;)  Grattis syster! // Annie

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